Hello, and welcome to my digital space! I’m deeply passionate about reshaping the future of education through my innovative concept: Integrated School Systems. My adventure into this realm began during my tenure as a tech director at the Overseas School of Colombo. There, I discovered the immense potential of tools like Airtable, JotForm, APIs, Javascript, Databases, and low-code tools in streamlining, automating, and digitizing many tasks.

I started automating many processes as I delved deeper into these low-code tools and APIs. My efforts led to the enhancement of student onboarding, the development of a roster system to channel data to various learning platforms, and eventually, the creation of an in-house Student Data Dashboard. My confidence grew, and I convinced the school’s leadership to transition from an expensive SIS to a cost-effective, adaptable, and scalable stack of tools.

During this transformative phase, I introduced the term “Integrated School Systems.” I recognized that numerous schools worldwide could reap the benefits of this methodology. The essence of Integrated School Systems is to adopt a lean approach, refine processes, transition to digital workflows, and wholeheartedly embrace an integrated systems strategy. It’s a call to be audacious, experiment, play around with contemporary tools, and craft solutions in-house – cultivating a culture of ownership, initiative, and innovation.

At the heart of it all, my vision is to incorporate design thinking into student learning and the numerous challenges every school faces, addressing them using an Integrated School Systems Approach. So, I invite you to accompany me on this voyage as we explore the vast horizons of Integrated School Systems!
By harnessing the power of tools like Kissflow, JotForms, Airtable, SQL, databases, APIs, and JavaScript, Data Analytics, Automations & AI. I’ve managed to design data-centric dashboards and amalgamate technologies that simplify daily tasks, conserve time, cut down expenses, refine processes, and initiate new digital workflows. Having mastered the art of automation and dashboard creation, I recognized the immense value of sharing my knowledge with others facing analogous challenges.
My mission is to guide educational establishments and professionals through the intricate maze of contemporary technology. My goal is to aid you in troubleshooting, refining operations, and boosting efficiency with bespoke solutions. My goal is to help you leverage cutting-edge EduTech tools and optimize your digital transformation journey.

I aspire to promote the idea of integrated school systems, which involves seamlessly integrating various systems within schools, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) and EdTech applications, Access Control Systems, Cashless Systems, and other supporting systems like Student Safeguarding Systems, Student Medical Health Concerns Systems, and School Information Systems (SIS). By fostering a culture of interconnectedness, I aim to create a more efficient and unified educational environment for everyone involved.